Monday, October 19, 2015

Carcaboso to Oliva de Plasencia

Rain started early and only got stronger.  Pretty much a downpour by about 3 hours into the hike.

 Beverly's and my plan was to get to Oliva de Plasencia. When we reached the turnoff point, she joked that this is Seattle weather which she is used to.  She felt pretty good but I was not feeling the good feeling.

So I stayed with the plan while she went on to the next stop. We said our goodbyes as they are said on the El Camino.

Later Alexandra ( USA ) and Marco (Austria) passed by me. They also headed for the hostel Asturias.

Not much to report.  I'm in a bar having a coffee after showering and resting. Looks like I have the albergue all to myself.

I have some big decisions.  Do I continue for one or two more days or pack it in?

If I continue,  I can have one more day or two more days of hiking.

If I pack it in,  I head back to Sevilla for 2 rest days instead of one.

Finishing lunch/supper.  Bread, Octopus in vinegar and potato salad.

Strongly thinking to continue on. I suppose the weather tomorrow could change that.

Today's photos

Hand drawn map of instructions on getting out of Carcaboso. We used it twice as exiting was somewhat tricky.

Incessant rain day. Just got worse as the day went on. Otherwise, green things!

This handsome guy greeted me as I passed by.

As did this lovely.


  1. I vote for more hiking and less hanging out at coffee shops in Seville. This will leave more time for those interesting side trips too!
